Apr 1, 2010



the weather is only a metaphor

thank you
thank you
thank you


Brian Miller said...

glad you found some sunshine. have a wonderful weekend!

Angela said...

Happy Easter, my dear Lola, mia cara, may you have a happy time with little Elliot, no matter what the weather is like (but hopefully as sunny as in that second picture!).
Our Johann just called us to say he`d like to move in with us and do what we do all day! "What is it that we do?" we asked. "Oh, eat sweets and watch TV!" he said.
hahaha. Lovely children, everywhere. Yes, the ones in Morape - who knows what they will be able to make of their lives, once they got an education! I will send you the picture of one lovely teacher! Cheers to you, Lolita. And don`t eat too many sweet Easter eggs! And watch TV, chuckle. (In fact I am busy digging my vegetable garden, and Hans is mixing cement!)

Woman in a Window said...

metaphor or not, both are beautiful.


Hilary said...

Lovely photos .. I actually love a rainy day and am quite taken with raindrop photos. But oh that sun is glorious. :)

E said...

thank you. it does feel so much better with sun. but the droplets on the window are so romantic too.

how are you?